Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas!

It is that best time of the year and I hope all of you are with family and rejoicing.  Given that I have 2 grandsons who are 6 and 2, I am very much aware of the wonder of it all. What fun it is to experience it through their eyes.  Wesley is beginning to read so I realize this is the last year that I can leave lists or packing slips sitting around.

I am most grateful that schools are closed for 2 weeks because it means I get more time with them. Everyone here at the OFH knows Wesley well (he has been coming ever since I moved in) and are getting to know Finn.  Wesley struts around the place, delighted that he can show me the way to wherever it is we are off to visit.  He loves working with me in the Cage (the big storage area where I sort donations for the resident resale shop that I lovingly call "The Dead People's Store") and writes prices on tags for me.  Today was pool volleyball and he was our "ball boy" - playing in the pool but ready to get any errant balls that flew out of the pool beyond our reach.  His favorite places? #1 is the art studio where his neighbor Kristen is one of our art therapists.  Ssshhh, he made a night light for his parents. It will be ready tomorrow for me to pick up.  He has also made an ornament and helped other residents make their own Christmas decorations.  #2 -The Waterfalls Cafe where he heads right for the ice cream bars.

Finn's favorite activity here?  Well, at almost 3, he loves to stomp in the elevator in his bright green frog boots.  His stomps make wonderful, resounding, slapping sounds.  He pulls himself up along the bar at waist height in the elevator and launches himself down onto the floor, a proud smile as he lands loudly.  I have learned which residents find it charming and which looked pained. We avoid the latter.

So from my heart to yours - I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that we all have a peaceful New Year.

1 comment:

  1. This was wonderful, and I loved the part about the nightlight and about Finn's stomping. I want to meet these guys.
