Sunday, December 13, 2015

River Envy

Yes, indeed, it has been many months since I have written and lots of things have happened.  Too much for one blog so I plan to write lots of short ones all in a row.  Finally, I feel the urge to write.  So get ready.

A year ago I moved to a different apartment here at my retirement community (or the "Old Folks Home" or OFH).  I will admit that in my almost 3 years here I had developed a strong case of River Envy - wanting a better view of the Willamette River - than my first apartment offered. It came about as I visited apartments of friends around our campus and realized that there was a LOT more of the river to be seen from different floors and wings. So, when an apartment with a great view became available, I grabbed it. It is still teeny - the same 421 square feet of my original apartment - and on the same floor but my new wing has a spectacular view.

Now remember, I am a horrid photographer so here goes:

I now have an end apartment so have windows looking out at two angles.  Our building is on a ridge about 50 feet above the bank of the river.  This was in early Fall.

The view is very different today.

We have had a week of rain - torrential at times.  There was flooding in several parts of Portland, many trees came down, electricity out, etc.  We even had a small tornado touch down in a town across the river.  Look at the water in the photo above - so brown from carrying all the upstream silt down to the mighty Columbia. Just a few months ago we were concerned about how low the river was - not any more. It is rushing downstream, bringing all kinds of detritus with it.  I watched as a long dock, now broken into 3 parts, flew past my windows.

This intrigues me.  The owners of a home right across the river from us (it's a very high rent area) have a sea plane with its own dock.  It was always a bit away from their sailboat dock but now, given the swollen river, it is at mid-river level. I am amazed that it has not come loose through all the commotion.

I find myself looking out at the river at all times of day and night in this first year in my new unit. I can see it from my bed (the moon says hello each evening) and have my writing desk placed in front of my living room windows (where I took these photos). I face west so also get spectacular sunsets behind the hills across the river. It is mesmerizing, especially now. I am very glad that I am safe and warm and am sorry for those plagued by the flooding - but oh it has been incredible to watch. 

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